page 1
Sunday 4 December 1977
First newspaper publicity in "Sunday", Di Arthur's column, "Scene around"
Tuesday 8 December 1977
Daily Mirror, "Youths' (sic) Stage Horror Drug Show"
page 2
Thursday 8 December 1977
The Sun, "Cal Makes It Rock" column by John Hanrahan
page 3
February 1978
Encore Magazine - Andrew Urban's review of Newtown Rules Club performance
page 4
29 March 1978
St George & Sutherland Shire Leader, "Written by two locals" reviewing the St George Leagues Club preview show
page 5
3 May 1978
The Manly Daily article on the show opening tomorrow night
page 6
10 May 1978
Daily Mirror, P.S. article "Horror show"
15 May 1978
The Sun, "Being Cruel To Be Kind" review by John Hanrahan
19 May 1978
Daily Telegraph, "A lively look at the swinging seventies"
page 7
21 May 1978
Sunday Telegraph, Sunday Living section, "Ballet is a masterpiece in miniature" review by Norman Kessell
page 8
22 May 1978
Daily Telegraph, Green Guide, "Boys next door rock on" by Gail Luxford
page 9
24 May 1978
Daily Telegraph, "The Catchy Way It Is" reprint of Norman Kessell's review
24 May 1978
Variety Magazine (USA), "That's The Way It Is" review by Norman Kessell on 12 May Performance appears in US trade magazine
25 May 1978
Daily Telegraph, P.S. column, "Sickies" - a cast member has hepatitis!!
page 10
26 May 1978
Sydney Shout, "Out of work actors - that's the way it is"
1 June 1978
Frontier Times, "That's The Way It Is!" by Luis Trapaga
page 11
1 June 1978
The Australian, "In at the deep end", article by Amanda Wilson
page 12
12 June 1978
Daily Telegraph, Green Guide, "The right girl but the wrong theatre" article about Anna by Glenn Russell
page 13
23 June 1978
Daily Mirror, "And her ghost may be heard..." - story about theatre ghost Ursula, with photo of Steve Churm
page 14
26 June 1978
The Sun, Theatre by John Hanrahan, "Rock musical city-bound" - article about Penrith's Q Theatre production heading to the city, the 2nd musical recently to do so, TTWII! being the first!
7 July 1978
Daily Mirror, Rock on with Susanne Moore, "Quality musical laid an egg"
page 15
September 1978
Dolly Magazine, "So, that's the way it is" article by Leslie Kennedy featuring photos of Rod, Calvin, Sheridan Jobbins, Rod Starr, Leigh Jayne Welsh and Colin Birkinshaw - great article only four months late!
page 16
5 October 1978
People Magazine, "Independence - Look out, Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber..." - Ha! Funny article!