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That's The Way It Is! Photo Gallery
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Program front cover - 1977 Newtown Rules Club Season COCAINE - 1977 Newtown Rules Club season
"Cocaine, going round and round in my brain"
David Healey, John Richardson, Debbie Howard, Robert Wing, Katrina Valkenburg, Vicki O'Neile, Anne Louise Falson, Scott Blick, Garry Rowe
COCAINE - 1977 Newtown Rules Club season
"I hope they accept my green form"
SCOTT BLICK as Roachy O'Donnell and The Malcolm Lodge Chorus
CRAIG IRWIN as JOE THE EMCEE - 1977 Newtown Rules Club season
"And now for your listening pleasure..."
HE'S MY MAN - 1977 Newtown Rules Club season

THE DRUGGETTES - 1977 Newtown Rules Club season
"Out of it all the way!"
DEAL SHE DID - 1977 Newtown Rules Club season
Peter Lambert, Anna Thomas, Paul Velkou, Calvin DeGrey, Dave Lamb, David Healey, Katrina Valkenburg, Garry Rowe
RICHARD KODET performing Rag Kazoo at Newtown Rules Club in 1977 WE'RE NOT TO BLAME - 1977 Newtown Rules Club season
front: Paul Velkou, Peter Lambert, John Richardson, Robert Wing, Scott Blick
back: Lester Bishop, Roz Healey, Barry Collier, Anne Louise Falson, The Druggettes
Program front cover - 1978 The 269 Playhouse season

COCAINE - 1978 The 269 Playhouse season
front: John Richardson, Vicki O'Neile, Brian Phillips, Katrina Valkenburg, Garry Rowe, Rod Starr, Rhonda Berkinshaw
back: Colin Berkinshaw, Robert Wing, Terese Moran, Lester Bishop, Calvin DeGrey, Paul Velkou, Cathy Scott, Anna Thomas, Christo Hayze
IF THE COPPERS COULD SEE US NOW - 1978 The 269 Playhouse season
Colin Berkinshaw and Robert Wing
MALCOLMS LODGE - 1978 The 269 Playhouse season
"Suzi's coming with bulk dope!!"
Leigh Jayne Welsh, Robert Wing (hidden), Cathy Scott, Garry Rowe, John Richardson, Brian Phillips, Calvin DeGrey, Terese Moran, Rhonda Berkinshaw, Paul Velkou, Colin Berkinshaw, Christo Hayze, Vicki O'Neile
SHE CAN GET IT - 1978 The 269 Playhouse season
Anna Thomas with Colin Berkinshaw, John Richardson, Brian Phillips (hidden), Garry Rowe (hidden), Paul Velkou, Christo Hayze
ANABELLE SHEHAN playing the Illusions jam at the 269 Playhouse in 1978

LESTER BISHOP at the 269 Playhouse in 1978 WE'RE NOT TO BLAME - 1978 The 269 Playhouse season
John Richardon, Paul Velkou, Robert Wing
back: Colin Berkinshaw, Vicki O'Neile, Rhonda Berkinshaw
VICKI O'NEILE and CALVIN DeGREY at the 269 Playhouse in 1978 HAIL TO THE LORD - 1978 The 269 Playhouse season
DAVID COHEN as Reverend Chris
"May he go to heaven"
THE BAND PIT - 1978 The 269 Playhouse season

THE SOUND DESK - 1978 The 269 Playhouse season
THE BOYS' DRESSING ROOM - 1978 The 269 Playhouse season
(Richard Kodet in background)
VICKI O'NEILE, ANNA THOMAS, LEIGH JANE WELSH and KIM LAMBERT in the girls' dressing room at the 269 Playhouse in 1978 AERO, CALVIN and ROD having a beer during pre-production for the 1977 Newtown Rules Club season. Photo taken in Aero's backyard, Blakehurst CALVIN and ROD, from The Daily Telegraph photo shoot - Surry Hills, May 1978

CALVIN and ROD in their Newtown Rules Club office - August 1978 THE DOLLY MAGAZINE shoot - July 1978
Rod Starr, Leigh Jayne Welsh, Colin Berkinshaw, Sheridan Jobbins
CIAO RUDY band photo at The Hole in 1977 DAVE VENDER during rehearsals at The Hole in Hurstville ROD LEE during rehearsals at The Hole

DENISE KENIRY doing notes during rehearsals at Newtown Rules Club in 1977 NEWTOWN RULES CLUB - 1977
The front entrance to the club
Parked in front are Calvin's Mighty Hillman Hunter and Aero's Martini Porsche 924
KYM "The Crazy Clown" NEWMAN STEVE JOHNS and COLIN ABRAHAMS (in show t-shirt) in 1978 DAVE LAMB and CAROL McNALLY at the 1987 10 Years Reunion

CRAIG JENNINGS and MARK (Quill) WILLIAMS at the 1987 10 Years Reunion

  1976 - 1978 dateline | the 1977 songlist | the 1977 company | the 1978 company | the 1978 songlist | publicity archive | archival music

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